No more red!

Enfin une solution pour garder les DJ hors du rouge.

Red alert est un tout nouveau type de produit qui garantit que le DJ respecte les limites du système audio.

Lorsque le gain d'entrée passe au rouge, un voyant rouge clignote (ce niveau peut bien sûr être calibré), ce qui facilite la réponse. Si cela ne se produit pas, le voyant continuera à clignoter et la sortie BOOTH sera mise en sourdine. Inaudible pour le public, mais très clair pour le DJ. Une fois le niveau d'entrée réduit, le moniteur recommence immédiatement à fonctionner.

L'alerte rouge garantit que vous pouvez tirer le maximum du potentiel de votre système audio sans distorsion à la source !

Ceci est maintenant prêt à être testé dans notre magasin ! Nous avons également en stock les Leveliza et Basswatch qui garantissent que le volume sonore reste constant sans limiter ni ajouter de compression !

RC Audio TOLEM - Total Level Manager
RC Audio
RC Audio TOLEM - Total Level Manager
- The TOLEM maintains a consistent average loudness level at a preset threshold using our unique LEVELIZA system. This version of the LEVELIZA circuit only reacts slowly, it has no faster emergency response ability like a conventional LEVELIZA does.
- Short term excessive levels (overdrive) that are significantly above threshold are managed by our new NOPE LIMITER. The NOPE LIMITER quickly reduces the gain tightly around the dynamic envelope of any overdrive levels to prevent the loudness exceeding a preset headroom above the LEVELIZA threshold. The NOPE LIMITER is designed to control short term overdrive levels in a
way that is audibly as transparent as possible before releasing as the overdrive subsides.
- If the overdrive remains for a longer period (such as if the music signal is now being played consistently at very excessive level) then the LEVELIZA will gradually pull back the system gain while the NOPE LIMITER gradually releases, thereby transferring out of the NOPE LIMITER and back into control of the LEVELIZA so that the system gain is now correct for the new signal level
and dynamic range is fully restored.
- A BASSWATCH circuit monitors the maximum sub and bass level output of the TOLEM below 100hz and prevents these bass levels exceeding a preset maximum. This has no effect on content over 100hz, it just flat line reduces the content below 100hz when necessary with very discrete and transparent gain reduction, and it does this without any audible compression or
limiting or pumping of the bass.
€ 3.507,87
prix TTC (tva inclus)
1 en stock
1 en stock