Chamsys magic DMX versies !



MagicQ Software
MagicQ offers powerful lighting control on up to 256 universes with full lighting visualisation, pixel mapping, and HD media playback on up to 8 different layers, all integrated smoothly to streamline workflows, save time, and shorten learning curves on even the most complex lighting systems.

MagicQ PC is available free of charge for use on Windows, Mac and Linux with 64 universes of output fully enabled (via Art-net, sACN, Pathport) - no hardware required!

Magic DMX dongle

Magic DMX dongle

You can use the free MagicQ software effectively with the dongles below. the basic version has a time limit of 5 hours, after which you have to restart. The Full does not have that time limitation, you can use the software in Demo mode indefinitely.

MagicQ has 3 modes depending on the hardware connected.

Demo mode

Demo mode is in operation when either no ChamSys devices are connected to MagicQ or the only Chamsys devices connected are the MagicDMX (Basic or Full), 10Scene Gateway, GeNetix GW2I, GeNetix GW2O, GeNetix GS5IP and GeNetix GS8 are connected to the PC System.

Demo Mode Features:
- DEMO MODE shown in title bar
- MagicQ programming and playback of shows from PC Software fully enabled
- 64 universes Art-Net / ACN Output fully enabled.
- MagicDMX

Core mode

Core mode is in operation when the GeNetix GN2, Dual DMX or Audio Interface are connected via USB or when GeNetix GN2, SnakeSys B4, T2, R4, R8 are connected via Network to MagicQ PC systems.

Core Mode Features:
- CORE MODE shown in title bar
- All demo mode features
- Startup in full screen / saved window positioning
- Auto starting Playbacks
- Execute Window full screen
- Scheduled Events and Automations
- iOS / Android Remote app
- Web Server editing
- 10Scene Gateway and 10Scene remote app

Unlocked Mode

Unlocked mode is in operation when devices such as the Mini Connect, Compact Connect, Stadium Connect, Rack Mount Dongle, GeNetix GN5 or GN10 are connected.
It is also in operation with legacy products - PC Wing, PC Wing Compact, Extra Wing, Extra Wing Compact, Playback Wing, Execute Wing, Stadium Wing, MIDI/SMPTE.

Unlocked Mode Features:
- All demo and Core mode features
- Multi Programming including Net Sessions
- Playback Synchronisation Remote Control from other MagicQ systems, Audio control and playback synchronisation with Winamp *
- Audio input from PC/Mac sound card
- Timecode receive from Art-Net
- Timecode (MIDI/LTC) from 3rd Party USB/Virtual interfaces.
- Triggering events / Cues / Timecode from DJ systems MIDI notes, CC, Show control from 3rd Party USB/Virtual interfaces
- ChamSys Remote Control Protocol (serial, or network)
- Open Sound Control (OSC)
- External Tracker send/receive (PSN, OTP, MQ Track)
- Mouse control of pan/tilt
- Encoder control from MIDI CC / OSC